A Place To Belong Since 1971

Through lifelong friendships/relationships with Open House staff/volunteers, participants learn how to build healthy relationships with others and therefore build family and social cohesion.

What’s On at Open House


for our monthly newsletter

Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, whatever you do,
If you’re looking for a place to belong, you’ll feel right at home here.

Youth Programs

Designed to help children of all ages develop into well-adjusted, kind, and happy adults, our youth activities give kids and teens a productive and fulfilling outlet for their seemingly endless energy.

Adult Programs

You’re never too old to pick up a new hobby, get mentoring, learn new skills, and make new friends—which is the exact reason we developed our extensive selection of programs for adults of all ages.

Whispers Social Enterprise Cafe

Whispers social enterprise café is all about empowering local community members to achieve their goals and improve their employment opportunities (and of course making an incredible cup of coffee).

Volunteer with us

We depend on volunteers to help assist us in the delivery of our services. We seek volunteers who are kind, friendly and committed to our mission of providing long-term friendship and support to young people and adults in our community, particularly those who are disadvantaged or socially isolated.

It Started With One Child

“Home is like hell. We have nowhere to go. Doesn’t anyone care about us?”

These were the angry words of a gang kid that prompted our founder George Farrington, in 1971, to form a team dedicated to helping troubled and disadvantaged youths who didn’t fit in.

Half a century later, that team, which later came to be known as Open House Christian Involvement Centres, has evolved into an institution dedicated to caring for and supporting people of all ages from all walks of life. Our mission is to provide those with no one to turn to and nowhere to go, a place to belong.

Our Working Numbers


Of providing support and care for the Community.

Social Enterprise sales

Number of individual sales from our social enterprise activities over the last financial year.

Occasions of Service

Number of supports for the last financial year.

Local Supporters

Church and Community Partners